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Kanye Concedes Defeat, Threatens 2024 Presidential Election Run

Kanye Concedes Defeat, Threatens 2024 Presidential Election Run

While we all wait on the edge of our seats for the results of the election to come in, there is unsurprising news from the Kanye camp. The rap/hip hop superstar turned politician has conceded from the election.


After spending nearly $6 million of his own money, and a total of $7 million overall, West got just 60,000 votes which may not be surprising considering he was only on the ballot in 12 states. He failed to get as much as a .5% vote in any state.


Those who are concerned about West’s financial affairs need not worry too much. The amount he spent on the campaign was merely twice what he spent on Kim’s ring.


The rapper gave the shortest concession speech ever tweeting an image of the electoral map along with the caption ‘WELP’. He then deleted that tweet and replaced it with the same map along with an image of himself in profile and the caption “Kanye 2024”. Yes, folks, this just keeps getting better.


West’s concession should come as no surprise to voters. He entered into the race on July 4 getting off to a late start. He then announced he would be running under the ‘Birthday Party’ banner.


Two weeks later he held a campaign event in which he embarked on a rambling one-hour speech which touched on topics like abortion, race, his own children and the president. During the speech he dropped the following bomb.


"I don't give a f--- if I win the presidency or not… I am in service to God. God has a plan for us and his people to be finally free. Trump, Biden, or Kanye West cannot free us."


Despite criticism, West moved forward with his campaign enlisting biblical life coach Michelle Tidball as his running mate and offering a slogan of “YES!” He ran on a vague platform which included policies alluding to restoring prayer in school, reducing household debt and, most importantly bringing more fun to the White House.


Perhaps the best part of it all was his Kanye branded merchandise that included $160 hoodies and $60 baseball hats.


In August reports surfaced that West’s campaign was backed by Republican operatives as a thinly veiled attempt to draw voters away from Biden. But despite any support he may or may not have received, he continued to miss deadlines to qualify to be on the ballot in most states.


In the end he appeared on the ballot in just a dozen state. In California, he appeared as a potential vice president alongside American Independent Party candidate Rocky De La Fuente.


On Election Day, West tweeted that he was preparing to vote for the first time ever. Later in the day, he tweeted a picture of his ballot where he had to write in his own name. Yep, he didn’t even qualify in his own state.


Kanye supporters can only wait to see what will happen in 2024. If he does make a second attempt, we can only hope it will be more organized.

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